We got this water lily pond 4 years back.We had been trying for a lotus shoot for a long time, after a lot of enquiring, we finally succeeded to get it from our local nursery owner. Slowly as the fresh leaves were developing I and Ranjan were enthusiastic. In no time the leaves grew large enough and buds too came, making us more eager to look at the first flower blooming and when it did bloom we let it remain in the pond for two days and then offered it to Goddess lakshmi as lotus is her favourite! Next flower we had after 15 days and then after a month or so in a span of 10 days we had 5-6 flowers making us wonder. But alas! soon our lotus plant stopped having any more flowers. We waited for weeks, they turned into months and into 3 long years !
We really don't know what was the problem, though the leaves were growing but no flowers. We took a lot of care and also added the natural manure to the pond.
Six months back, on a whim I just asked Ranjan to clean the water pond, it so happened that there was big toad in the pond which had made its home, poor thing it couldn't escape from the pond 'coz of the height. Ranjan had a tough time capturing the toad into a plastic bag and releasing it in the near by KC canal (Kurnool - Cuddapah Canal).
Then, we our wait recommenced once again for the lotus, this time our little pond didn't disappoint us, just yesterday Ranjan spotted a small bud, here is the progress ...........of day on
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