26th Jan, 2013 at Kurnool
Every year this day is memorable as it is our Republic day, but this year more so as it was an eye-opener to us all when we visited the old age home called “Maatha Annapoorneshwari” Anada Sharanalaya near the Vaartha office, Nandikotkur Road, Kurnool. We saw that many old people mostly aged above 60 years were living there as destitutes who were left behind by their own family members.

Though they had all the basic necessities and comforts of life, their faces were sad and bereft of happiness. They were craving for a word of comfort and assurance, a little affection from their loved ones, an extra bit of care and compassion which I am sure they would have showered on their children in leaps and bounds. Their complete lifetime passed away with working hard for fulfilling the needs and satisfying the whims of their children. But now they are helpless and abandoned without love and mostly the feeling of unwanted and unneeded that pinches them hard. Their hearts would twist with pain and cry unshed tears when they remember their past days.
As a part of service to the society, we the Montessorians on behalf of Karuna International club mobilized voluntary funds from the staff of Montessori and from the collected funds, we bought a few basic necessary items and eatables like biscuits and fruits. Our children and teachers entertained them with yesteryear old telugu songs, the residents too later joined with a song or two of their own which brought tears to all present there.
The visit to the old age home left an strong impression on our minds and heart. The residents of the home bid us a tearful farewell and invited us to visit them again. We too returned to our homes with a heavy heart but not in vain as the visit made us more determined and focused in bringing about small changes in our society through effective teaching and value based morals. In fact, on our way back planned a few programmes in near future that would bring smiles to those withdrawn faces and make their day a happy day.
‘Small things make big difference’.
‘Our attitude determines our altitude’.
Hoping for a better tomorrow, lets join hands to help others as much as we can!